Using Joomla Language Override Feature

Sometimes when using Joomla, you want to change the “No Article” message or some other default Joomla text message. The easy way to do it would be to use the Joomla language override.

Follow these instructions to modify your Joomla 2.5 installation’s language file:

  • Log on to your site’s administrator section ( with your user name and password
    Joomla 2.5 Login Screen
  • Mouseover “Extension Manager” and click on “Language Manager”
    Click on Language Manager
  • Next you click the “Overrides” tab
    Overrides Tab
  • Click the New button in the top right of the screen to create a new language override
    New Language Override
  • Serach for the text display that you would like to change (or search for the variable if known), click on it, edit it and save
    Final Steps

Now go ahead and try it out. You can create as many overrides as you desire.

I hope this comes in handy for some of you out there in cyberland.
