Sidewalk Re-Construction: Noble Gesture or Political Move?

Image of the sidewalk being re-constructed

On May 2nd 2017 I arrived at work to the sight of jack hammers, generators and construction workers on my block of Kennedy Avenue. Then I was told that they are embarking on a six (6) week project to redo the sidewalk.

To be honest, the sidewalks are a disgrace! They are uneven, broken and filthy. So after the initial shock (and WTF moment) I thought to myself that this is a noble gesture by the Government. Then I sat back and thought for a few moments:

  • the Government doesn’t do things out of the goodness of their hearts
  • there must be some motive behind this since the sidewalk has been link that for years

Then it hit me: election is approximately one (1) year away. Hence the reason for the re-construction of the sidewalk, the new West bridge (which looks amazing at night) and all these Town Hall meetings. The Labour party lost Roseau Central, Roseau North and Roseau South at the last general election so, this is only my opinion, they must be trying to win them back.

So it remains to see whether the sidewalk re-construction is a noble gesture or a political move. I believe it is political because all of a sudden, they care about the sidewalks in Roseau…hmmm

I have taken photos of the construction and the finished product. I will keep my ears close to the ground (so to speak) to see if or when the new sidewalk comes up in political campaigns. But in the meantime, have a look at these progression of the sidewalk.

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