There are so many Joomla powered websites out there and I must admit, the majority of them look great! However, viewing these sites on your mobile device is a pain in the *** especially when they do not have a mobile theme. One solution is to use Mobile Joomla!
I needed a mobile version of a site that I am working on and decided to use Mobile Joomla and the results were amazing! The homepage of the site dropped from 385 KB to 5 KB and loaded really quickly! The downside is that all my styles got lost and the site is basic. But hey, it loads quickly and users can access the information on the go (hence the point of a mobile version of your site).
There is a custom.css file that can be edited to add some spice to your mobile site and I recommend doing so. There is also an iPhone theme built-in which, in my opinion, needs some tweaking. The main navigation takes up too much space. But apart from that, the iPhone theme works just as well as the smartphone theme.
Congrats goes out to the Mobile Joomla developers for an excellent extension. Visit their website at to download the extension and use it on your site.