I use Joomla! at work to develop sites for the Government of Dominica and I have been getting quite a lot of spam from the contact form and comments. Reducing the spam is a challenge because I cannot use a Captcha due to our standards.
I wanted a solution that incorporates Askimet or a similar service and my search led me to R Antispam. I tried it out and I was totally blown away by its effectiveness!
Since installing this plugin two months ago, I have virtually no spam e-mails. It feels good to be Cialis, Viagra and porn sites free. What a feeling!! And all this is done without the use of a Captcha.
Installation is simple. Install the plugin through Extension Manager in the back end, configure it and your done. For added protection, you can use your Askimet key (sign up for one if you don’t have one). I suggest using an Askimet key.
Give it a shot. It’s worth it, totally worth it! You will wonder how you ever got through without it.