Mobile Joomla

October 17th, 2012

Mobile Joomla

There are so many Joomla powered websites out there and I must admit, the majority of them look great! However, viewing these sites on your mobile device is a pain in the *** especially when they do not have a mobile theme. One solution is to use Mobile Joomla!

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My Weekend in Pictures

October 10th, 2012

My weekend was very interesting. I worked hard and saw a couple accidents and even took some pictures of a giant moth and a “zandoli”. But the accidents were the highlight. How many times must I say it? Take your time while driving!

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Creating a Rubber Stamp Effect

October 4th, 2012

This tutorial will show you the steps to create a rubber stamp effect in photoshop. Of course, with everything Photoshop, there are always other ways to do this. Parts of this tutorial are taken from Sue Chastain’s article from

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Community Tourism in Dominica

September 30th, 2012

The Government of Dominica has recently been put in charge of managing the Community Tourism project websites. And guess who has the responsibility of maintaining them? You guessed right: me!

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WordPress Image Sliders

September 21st, 2012

Sometimes a website needs a boost and an easy way to give it the boost that it needs is with an image slider/rotator.

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Category List Post for WordPress

September 16th, 2012

Sometimes it becomes necessary to post articles from one particular category but the default WordPress CMS does not allow for that. Fortunately, there is List Category Posts.

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Refresh Part of A Page Using jQuery

September 11th, 2012

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to have a section on your web page refresh while the other areas of that page remain static (or dynamic), so here is a little jQuery script to do that.

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Street Legal Racing Redline

July 29th, 2012

So, this weekend I was making a backup of my files and I came across some old files for a game called Street Legal Racing Redline from Invictus Games. I remembered this game’s concept was an excellent one however the actual game was a bit disappointing. So I searched for my installation disc and installed it.

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Gantry Framework for WordPress

July 26th, 2012

Gantry Framework Logo

Since posting the article Helix Framework for Joomla I have been looking for template development frameworks for my favourite CMS, WordPress. The first one that I came across was Gantry.

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Helix Framework for Joomla

July 22nd, 2012

If you are like me and you create a lot of templates from scratch when working on your Joomla projects, you know it can be time consuming to design and construct your template. Fortunately, the Helix Framework is there to make this process easier and less time consuming.

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More Accidents

July 20th, 2012

Thursday July 19, 2012 was just a typical day: came home from work, did the Insanity Workout and took a bath. However, when I finished my shower the streets were buzzing about an accident in the entrance to my lane. I had to investigate!

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Dive Fest 2012

July 20th, 2012

As luck would have it, I missed all the Dive Fest 2012 activities except one: the boat race on the last day. I was determined not to miss that event and even had a reminder on the calendar at work.

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