Joomla Category List or Blog Override

Sometimes you need to make a couple changes to the default Joomla category list or category blog layout for your purposes. This is were the Joomla override feature comes in handy.

To get Joomla to recognise an override, you need to create a folder in your template directory > html folder called “com_content”. Within this folder, create another one called “category”. It should be noted that these folder names should be exactly as stated.

Browse to your_site > components > com_content > views > category > tmpl and copy the file “default_articles.php” to your template directory > html > com_content > category. You would now change whatever aspect of the list or blog that you what.

For example, if you wanted to change the default No Article message, you would replace “COM_CONTENT_NO_ARTICLES” with your language override and save the file.
