As luck would have it, I missed all the Dive Fest 2012 activities except one: the boat race on the last day. I was determined not to miss that event and even had a reminder on the calendar at work.
So the day came and I gathered a group of friends and we were off to Soufriere. Upon arrival, the atmosphere was a festive one characterised by loud music, lots of pedestrians and traffic jams.
I parked and we were off to the bay side where the boat races had just started. This was the first time that I actually came down to Soufriere early enough to see the races and I was EXCITED! The kubuli guys were doing very well but got cheated, in my opinion, on the final race and had to settle for second place.
I bumped into some former co-workers and friends we had a “jolly ole time”. Some idiots decided to spoil things and fight with each other but the police quickly ended that scuffle and it was back to having a “jolly ole time” with my peeps.
I tried to take some pictures and video of the days events but this STUPID Blackberry of mine was not cooperating. The videos wouldn’t save and I kept getting some “uncaught error” every single time I took video footage. Sigh! One day I will have my Android powered phone…one day! Anyway, below are a couple pictures that I managed to snap. Enjoy and remember, winners don’t use drugs!
Tags: dive fest