Invalid Parent ID Error on Joomla 3

I was doing some routine work on one of my websites (adding articles and deleting expired ones) when I came across this “Invalid Parent ID” error when trying to save an article. The article was saved successfully but the error kept showing up.

After being totally annoyed by this “stupid” error, I did a Google search and found a fix on the Joomla Forum by mucman:

Follow these steps to solve the error (it worked for me and hopefully will work for you too):

  • Go to “Menu Manager” in the administrator section and click the “Rebuild” button
  • Go to the “Categories” section under Content and click the “Rebuild” button
  • Open your categories (top categories first then sub-categories) and save them

The error should now be gone. However, if you have many categories then this solution may not be practical for you. But since I had only a few categories, this did the trick.

Thanks guys! Thanks a million!

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