In this episode of Cooking With Wayney, we are going to season some ribs which will be cooked on June 6th. Why June 6th? If you don’t know, then just forget about it.
First, we gather our ingredients:
I would normally add a Maggie Cube but I was all out and forgot to replenish my stocks.
Let’s begin by soaking the meat in a water and vinegar mixture. Ensure that the meat is completely submerged in the water and let it soak.
We now blend up the onions, garlic, peppers, parsley, celery, chive and green onions in the chopper (saying chopper it like Arnold Schwarzenegger).
Now we drain the water from the meat, sprinkle some salt over the meat followed by dumping the entire contents of the “chopper” onto the meat and mix thoroughly.
Finally, we bag the meat and put it on the fridge for a 12 – 24 hour period before placing it into the freezer.
And there you have it folks, ribs are seasoned and ready for June 6th. See you then.